Building Christian Character Through Competitive Athletics Since 1966

Partner with SB2W

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21
With wonderful facilities, a steady board of directors, an exceptional staff, and a track record of solid ministry to thousands and thousands of young people, SB2W has and will continue to have a strategic presence in the Lord’s kingdom – a presence, Lord willing, that will far outlast the individuals currently involved. It will take a concerted effort by friends and family of SB2W to ensure that the vision of this ministry is fulfilled for generations to come. We remain committed to expanding property and making capital improvements solely from monies gifted in excess of our tuition. We purpose to only use tuition funds for operational expenses and we rely upon varied gifts from a wide collection of people and foundations to expand or enhance facilities. Christian Camps of Pittsburgh, Inc. d.b.a. Summer’s Best Two Weeks is a 501(c)3 organization and all contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Give to the General Fund for SB2W Camps, or designate a gift specifically for the ministry of SB2W CitiKidz.  If you would like to give to a specific capital project or camp program, please reach out to us at

Mail A Check

Gifts can be mailed to:
111 Lake Gloria Road
Boswell, PA 15531

Give through the United Way

Give through the United Way by using our designation code (Allegheny County, Beaver County or Mon Valley (PA) campaigns – donor code 3414).

Give a gift of stock 

Give through our brokerage account. Please email Kent Biery ( and he will help you arrange the stock transfer.

Planned Giving

  • Bequests by Will
    A simple planned gift is a bequest through your will in which you designate either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to SB2W. A bequest may also reduce the amount of your taxable estate, which could increase the actual amount available to your family.
  • Life Insurance/Retirement Accounts
    Also consider naming SB2W as a partial beneficiary on an existing insurance policy that has outlived its original purpose or on a retirement account. Simply contact your insurance agent or retirement account manager and add SB2W as a beneficiary.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
    A charitable remainder trust is a life income plan that is created by irrevocably transferring assets to a trust that pays you an annual fixed dollar amount for life or a set time period of twenty years or less. You can also provide income for another or a survivor. The trust principal is given to the charity (SB2W) after the donor’s and spouse’s death. When you establish a charitable remainder trust, you are entitled to an immediate charitable deduction (any unused deduction may be carried forward for 5 years). This can result in significant tax savings. Because the tax consequences of a charitable remainder trust may vary, an attorney who specializes in estate planning should be consulted.
    To ensure that your will or estate plan accomplishes your goals, please consult an attorney who focuses on charitable planned giving. Although SB2W cannot provide our donors legal advice, we would be happy to assist your professional advisor develop a charitable giving plan to meet your philanthropic needs. Thank you in advance for your generous consideration.
    Please feel free to contact Kent Biery ( if you have any questions and/or would like more information about any of these gifting opportunities.

Additional Means of Support

Pray With Us
Your prayers are coveted and we ask that you join us in prayer for:
  • Campers
  • Co-Counselors
  • Camp Board
  • Health and Safety
  • Bible Studies
  • Activities
  • Personal Growth
  • Summer Life Nights
  • Unity
  • Wilderness Trips
  • Office Staff
  • Leadership Team
  • Families
  • Salvation
  • Orientation and Training
  • Testimonies
  • Coaches
  • Nurses
  • Weather
  • Captains
  • Meets and Competitions
  • Cabin and Team Campfires
  • Cooks and Work Crew
  • Messages
  • Changed Hearts and Lives
  • Worship
  • Surprise Night
  • Maintenance Staff
  • The Lord’s favor in all we do

Gifts in Kind
Gifts of Equipment or Other Consumer Goods
SB2W has often had friends and families of camp donate items such as cars, trucks, lawnmowers, copiers, pianos, tools/equipment and other assorted consumer goods. We certainly hope that you’ll continue to consider us when you have lightly used items that still have some life, but you are replacing or do not need any longer (reliable trucks for use around camp are always of interest). If you do have such items, please call the camp office to inquire about our needs and we can let you know if we can put it to good use.
Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of real estate can be a wonderful blessing to SB2W, but they can also present legal and logistical obstacles for us. A proposed gift of real estate should be carefully evaluated by the donor and SB2W together to determine the best course of action.

Current Needs:
  • Vehicles (compact cars, light trucks)
  • Bobcat
  • 1-ton Dump truck
  • Canoe Trailer
  • Flat-bed Trailer
Volunteer Work Projects
If you have a group that is interested in serving at camp in the fall or spring, please give us a call at the camp office to inquire about coming up for a day or weekend work project. We are always improving and maintaining the facilities at Lake Gloria and the Que. April, May, August and September are typically months when groups come to help us get ready for the summer season or work on special initiatives for the following year. Many groups spend some time enjoying camp activities facilitated by our staff. It’s a win-win, so mark your calendar and plan to serve this year with your family, church, youth ministry, small group or college fellowship.

SB2W is a Member of ECFA