Counselor FAQ’s

Are these paid position?
Yes! We value the commitment you make to serve with us and, while we recognize that monetary compensation isn’t the most important factor in your decision, we hope to be competitive with other similar experiences. SB2W first-year counselor salaries range from $3800 to $4000 for working the entire summer, including Training Camps.

Do counselors work for the whole summer?
Not necessarily! Working the whole summer isn’t mandatory, but serving most of the summer (four or five terms) is ideal. Consistency is important to us and leads to the best experience on our staff as well. All new counselors are require to attend Training Camp #4 (Staff Orientation). The counselor application provides an opportunity for prospective staffers to indicate their availability. Note: Not being available to work 4th Term can significantly reduce your chances of serving with us.

Do I have to be an athlete to serve at SB2W?
Counselors are not all college athletes, but most are comfortable in the athletic arena as a lot of our teaching is done there. Broadly, we are looking for students who have a passion for Jesus, kids, sports, and the outdoors. A high energy level and a desire to integrate faith into every area of life are also helpful.

Are counselors responsible for teaching all actives and competitions?
Counselors teach 3-4 activities and 3-4 competitions. They are trained to teach and facilitate these experiences during Training Camp #4 based on interest, experience, and ability.

How are counselors developed, and how do they grow?
Counselors grow primarily through the experience of serving, teaching, and leading young people. We have also seen staff grow in depth of their relationship with God as they’ve created time and space to meet regularly with Him. Each counselor is also in a small group Bible study that’s led by a member of our summer leadership team. Counselors are also encouraged, cared for, prayed for, and coached by one another and by members of our leadership team.

What does the hiring process look like?
Nothing is more important to us and to the parents of campers than the hiring, training, and supervision of our counselors. Our hiring procedure involves a completed application, an interview by a full-time staff member, three references, and a series of background checks. Hiring takes place December through April (or whenever the last spots are filled).