SB2W Family Camp 2020
Fun-filled, low-density retreats for Summer’s Best Families
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
Let’s get started on enrolling your family for the Summer’s Best Family Camp.
- SB2W Family Camp consists of 3-days at either our Lake Gloria or Que camps. Each session is full of activities, modified competitions, wilderness experiences, Bible studies, and intentional SB2W fellowship.
- SB2W has developed a comprehensive plan of preventative actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Certain social distancing rules and sanitation requirements will be in effect for families during all sessions.
- The registration form requires the names of all family members who would like to attend. Once registration is complete we will notify you about which session your family will be attending, as well as provide pre-arrival instructions. Due to limited space, please include multiple preferences of dates and we will do our best to accommodate your family.
- The cost of attending SB2W Family Camp is $90 per person – full payment of balance is required upon registration.
- Once enrolled, all attendees are required to print, complete, and sign the Pre-Family Camp Health Check Questionnaire, which monitors family health spanning the 14 days prior to your arrival. This signed form will be submitted upon arrival during an initial health screening.
Session Availability
Lake Gloria Availability
Que Availability
Additional Resources
The Pre-Family Camp Health Check Questionnaire must be completed by each attendee and submitted upon arrival.
SB2W health procedures and protocols dedicated to keeping campers and families safe.
Complete SB2W Family Camp/COVID-19 Operation Strategy
SB2W Family Camp/COVID-19 Operation Plan
Navigate the submenus below to read complete details regarding SB2W’s 2020 Summer Operation Strategy.
1.0 Communication
- The following team has been assembled to effectively address all protocols and policies, as well as questions and concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic: Kent Biery, Eric Johnston, Dan Saxton, Alyssa Foldesy, Dr. Krissy Simeonsson, Dr. Drew Hall
- We will distribute our complete Family Camp/COVID-19 Operation Plan with local public health authorities, camp staff and camp families according to ACA Field Guide best practice, as well as posting this information on our website at the following link:
- We will utilize relevant information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and/or other accredited health agencies. Information will be posted in appropriate places where intended audiences can be reached. Examples include: COVID-19 information, Handwashing, Cough etiquette, Symptoms associated with COVID-19, Stop the spread of germs, and Physical distancing
- Communicate Family Camp/COVID-19 Operation Plan via email and website to families and staff.
- Request families and staff follow guidelines for SB2W Family Camp Pre-Camp Screening Form (see attached).
- Recommend families assess all campers planning to attend family camp to determine if they would be People Who Are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness. They should consult a medical professional to determine if attendance is acceptable. Families exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms should stay home. Staff will be required to make similar assessments.
- During Staff training, all staff will receive guidance and materials, including this ACA Field Guide. They will be informed of workplace controls, use of PPE, and individual roles.
- Families will complete an SB2W Family Camp registration form and remit with signed waivers for adults and minors (see Addendum).
- We will communicate directly with families during their time here on property.
- Staff will participate in weekly update trainings and Q&A with camp leadership.
- Communicate applicable precautions and protocols to use while making deliveries.
Managing Communicable Disease in SB2W Family Camp
2.0 Managing Communicable Disease in SB2W Family Camp
- SB2W’s primary guidance is the best practices identified in the ACA Field Guide.
- The two primary components of SB2W’s Family Camp/COVID-19 Operation Plan are focused on prevention and response, as recommended by ACA and CDC.
- SB2W will draw on experience from 2009 and the H1N1 pandemic and follow our SB2W Communicable Disease Plan (CDP).
- The primary means of prevention will center around identification and implementation of Groups/Cohorts described in the ACA Field Guide. Specifically, for the purposes of Family Camp, each family will be considered to be a “Cohort.”
- Careful attention will be given to significantly limit mixing of cohorts (families). Social distancing and face coverings will be utilized when necessary to limit exposure to other cohorts. Housing, food service, activities and special programs will be designed around limiting interaction between cohorts.
Screening and Initial Response for Families and Staff at SB2W Family Camp
3.0 Screening and Initial Response for Families and Staff at SB2W Family Camp
- Implementation of Three Phases of Screening for Families and Staff: Pre-Screening, Initial Screening and Ongoing Screening.
- All Families and Staff will be required to complete pre-screening form (See “SB2W Family Camp Pre-Camp Screening Form” in Addendum). If a family camper or staff member is flagged during the pre-screening process, we will follow our CDP.
All Families and Staff will undergo initial screening. We will:
- Take each staff/family member’s temperature with a touchless infrared thermometer upon arrival at camp.
- Ask the staff/family camper to confirm that they do not have fever, shortness of breath or cough.
- Make a visual inspection of the staff/family for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity) or fatigue.
- If a family camper or staff member is flagged during the initial screening process, we will follow our CDP.
- Initial health screening steps will be repeated daily for families members/staff during camp.
- If a family camper or staff is suspected to have COVID-19 based on this assessment, camp will follow our CDP.
3.1 Preventing Spread
- Print material from the CDC on COVID-19 and social distancing will be displayed in all applicable areas of camp.
- All hand washing best practices will be implemented for families, staff and food service workers.
- Using cohorts at family camp will be primary means of limiting spread, but social distancing and masking will also be utilized when necessary.
Facilities Management of Ventilation and Plumbing Systems
4.0 Facilities Management of Ventilation and Plumbing Systems
- Jason Smith (Director of Properties and Lake Gloria Facilities Manager) and Steve Hall (Que Facilities Manager) are already working on preparing buildings for the camp season, as well as performing ongoing maintenance during camp operation. They will coordinate efforts with our current HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing contractors to ensure proper function of all systems in camp buildings.
4.1 Residential Camp Considerations for SB2W Family Camp
- One family per cabin, so housing and sleeping considerations are not applicable. Hand sanitizer station at cabin entrance to be used when entering/exiting.
- Cabins will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between sessions.
- Families will bring their own toiletries, towels, etc. for personal use.
- Cabins and bathrooms are ventilated with open screen windows. Families will be encouraged to keep awnings up when possible.
4.2 Aquatic Facilities Operations
- A poster, which includes basic information about COVID-19, will be posted at the pool and at the waterfront.
- Families will receive basic instruction after arriving for an activity at the pool or the waterfront. In addition to what would typically be communicated at an activity (purpose, safety rules, “how-to’s”, etc.), this instruction will include reminders about:
- Hand sanitizing. A hand sanitizing station will be placed at every activity including the entrance to the pool and at the waterfront. Families will be instructed to use hand sanitizer before and after each activity.
- Physical distancing. Families will be reminded to keep space between their group and others.
- Equipment (paddles, boats) and frequently touched surfaces (ladders, lifeguard stations) will be cleaned after each group leaves. Paddles and boats will be rotated — some will be used as others are cleaned.
- Families will only use equipment (kickboards, balls, noodles, etc.) that they bring to the pool area. No other camp equipment will be used there.
- The pool will be properly maintained (as per local regulations and standards).
- The pool will be treated with a biocidal shock every week.
- Counselors will begin activities with instruction to include reminders on physical distancing and good hygiene practices.
CHANGING AREAS – Not applicable
- Families who already own PFDs will be encouraged to bring their own for use during camp.
- Individuals will designate their own PFD — either one that they brought or one that camp provides — for use during camp.
- PFDs will be washed and disinfected between every term, in accordance with the industry recommendations from the Life Jacket Association.
- Lane lines will divide the pool into sections for use by different families.
Food Service
5.0 Food Service
- We will instruct kitchen employees to report any COVID-19 symptoms to supervisors.
- We will encourage sick employees to stay home.
- If an employee reports symptoms during work, we will send them home immediately and clean and disinfect their workstation (which may include the entire kitchen), and consider fellow cooks within their vicinity potentially exposed. We will then Implement next steps from the camp’s communicable disease plan (CDP).
- If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, inform employees of their potential
exposure, while maintaining confidentiality. Implement next step from camp’s CDP.
Planning and Preparation
- Head cook will maintain an adequate stock of disposable gloves, facemasks, and cleaning supplies.
- Provide staff with access to soap and clean running water, disposable gloves, and facemasks.
- Staff trained in proper hand washing and control procedures implemented by the camp.
- Cleaning staff will use U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved disinfectants.
Operations and Configuration
- Head cook or Supervising cook will screen food service employees and assess their symptoms prior to starting work each day, in compliance with ongoing screening.
- We will clean and disinfect the dining area between meal times.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served in the dining hall utilizing social distancing.
- One family per table in the dining hall with tables spaced at least 6 feet apart.
- Families will be assigned the same table so they occupy the same space at each meal.
- All meals in the dining hall will be served family style.
- Families will be directed to seating in the dining hall to maintain physical distancing between themselves and others while finding their seats
- The dining hall entrances will have decals on floors six feet apart to denote distancing
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers containing at least 60% alcohol will be stationed at the entrance of the dining facility.
- We will remove trash can lids in both the kitchen and dining area for ease of disposal.
- An individual’s personal water bottle will not be refilled in the kitchen area.
- We will post signs reminding families of the guidelines such as washing hands, maintaining social distance, using assigned seats, etc.
- Tables and counters will be left clear to allow for effective cleaning and sanitation.
- There will be no use of condiment dispensers. Condiment packets or small
containers alongside the prepared meal will be used instead.
- Individual servings of beverages will be used.
- Encourage eating with utensils rather than hands as much as possible.
FOOD SERVICE WORKERS – (This will be posted in kitchen and given to all cooks)
Prior to Work
- Shower before work
- Trim and file fingernails
- Remove nail polish or false nails.
- Wear clean clothes or clean work uniform
- Wear appropriate and clean footwear.
General Considerations
- Do not work if you are sick or showing flu-like symptoms
- Wear disposable gloves and avoid direct bare hand contact with food.
- Do not wear watches bracelets or rings
- Wear a facemask or cloth face covering
- Wear an apron at all times
- Maintain a physical distance and increased spacing from other food preparation workers whenever possible.
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after work and breaks; after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or touching frequently touched surfaces; and before preparing food. Incorporate fingernail brush
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw it away, and wash your hands immediately.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Food Preparation
- We will utilize existing best practices for food preparation and storage apply (Servsafe)
- Coronavirus is not foodborne, but food service workers who are infected can transmit the virus to coworkers or diners
- Follow the four key steps to food safety: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill
- Even while wearing gloves, use clean utensils, such as tongs, spoons, etc., instead of gloved hands to prepare food as much as possible.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Food Contact Surfaces
- Use soap or detergent and water to wash food contact surfaces (i.e., dishware, utensils, trays, food preparation surfaces, beverage equipment) then rinse after use.
- Disinfect food contact surfaces before food preparation using disinfectants that appear on EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and according to manufacturer instructions.
- Let dishware and equipment air dry; do not dry with towels.
- Ensure that dishwasher machines are operating within the manufacturer’s specifications and that appropriate water temperatures, detergents, and sanitizers are being used.
Non-Food Contact Surfaces
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched non-food contact surfaces in the kitchen and dining area at least daily.
- Clean and disinfect the dining area and commonly touched surfaces before and after each use.
- Clean and disinfect non-food contact surfaces in the kitchen and dining area’s commonly touched surfaces (e.g., counters, tables, chairs, etc.) daily
- If hard soft/porous and non-porous surfaces are visibly dirty, clean them with detergent or soap and water before disinfecting using:
- EPA Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
- Diluted household bleach products, according to suggested mix
- Alcohol-based solutions containing at least 70% alcohol.
- Remove and dispose of gloves, facemasks, and gowns/aprons (if applicable) immediately after cleaning and disinfecting or when visibly soiled.
- Immediately after cleaning and disinfecting (and before taking breaks), wash hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds at handwashing station
- Immediately launder aprons worn using the warmest appropriate water and dry completely. Wash hands immediately after handling dirty laundry.
- CDC guidance on cleaning and disinfecting will be reviewed periodically to keep up with any changes to protocols or procedures.
CAMPERS AND STAFF AT MEALS – Follow Guidelines in Food Service Operation section
5.1 Canteen or Camp Store
- SB2W does not have a canteen, but the camp store will be open for 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour after dinner each day.
- Families will be encouraged to social distance in line using decals on office deck.
- Camp store staff will remain behind partially opened window when working in store.
- Purchases in the camp store will be recorded for each family and the account totaled at the end of the family camp for single payment. Families will be encouraged to use electronic payment or one check. No cash or coin will be exchanged.
Cleaning and Disinfection
6.0 Cleaning and Disinfection
SB2W will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, including recommended methods for typical cleaning procedures include two-stage cleaning and disinfecting.
Communal Spaces
- Cleaning and disinfecting of communal spaces between families.
Shared Items
- Activity items (sports equipment, PFDs, etc.) or other camp program items (lighters, marshmallow sticks, etc.) will be assigned to families where possible to reduce the quantity of items shared. Otherwise, cleaning and disinfecting of shared items between uses.
Frequently Touched Surfaces
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and common spaces multiple times daily. We will keep a log book for all frequently touched surfaces (including tables, door handles, hand railings, light switches, countertops, toilets, faucets, and sinks). Note: we will NOT have water fountains for use, but there will be a designated water station for refilling personal water bottles managed by SB2W Staff.
Toilets, Showers, Restrooms
- High touch surfaces including toilets, showers, and restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidelines. Que will clean and disinfect between sessions. Lake Gloria will designate restrooms and showers for each family in the Salems (shower / restroom building). We will keep a log for cleaning. Restrooms and showers will be cleaned at 8am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm each day.
- In general, we will follow the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product(s) being used.
- Eye protection, disposable gloves, and aprons will be worn for all tasks in the cleaning process, including handling trash.
- When finished, all cleaning staff will remove aprons first and then gloves (as trained during orientation), being careful not to contaminate the surrounding area. Hands will be thoroughly washed for at least 20 seconds using soap and water.
Cleaning Solution Selection and Preparation – We have confirmed availability through vendors
- For cleaning, we will use general purpose residential cleaners that are ready to use or diluted with water per product instructions are sufficient and should be used according to manufacturer’s instructions.
- For disinfection, we will use products that are specific to coronavirus, that have an “emerging viral pathogen” claim, that require less than one minute of contact time, and have not passed their expiration date.
- In some instances, a dilute bleach solution will be used, comprising four teaspoons of bleach to a quart of water.
- Products on the EPA list contain either quaternary ammonium or sodium hypochlorite (also known as bleach). Cleaning products containing these two ingredients will not be used together or even in series, meaning one after the other.
- Our facilities managers will prepare Detergent Spray Solution and Disinfectant Spray Solution according to ACA Field Guide/CDC recommendations.
Typical Cleaning for Non-Porous and Porous Surfaces
- Cleaning team will be trained in proper procedures according to the ACA Field Guide and CDC.
- If more than 7 days have passed since the person who is sick visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary. We will continue routine cleaning and disinfection.
- If less than 7 days, we will close off areas that were used by the person who is sick and carry out the following:
- Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the areas, if possible.
- We will wait up to 24 hours or as long as practical before you clean or disinfect the space to allow respiratory droplets to settle before cleaning and disinfecting.
- Outdoor venues and equipment will be cleaned without delay.
- We will clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, using dedicated cleaning and disinfecting materials to disinfect a potential source area (e.g., an infected camper’s cabin or bunk area).
- Enhanced cleaning is recommended if it is determined that a person with COVID-19 was present in a building (e.g., dining hall, gym, bunk, etc.) or at camp activity areas for at least 15 minutes
- Enhanced cleaning protocol includes:
- First clean visibly dirty surfaces then perform disinfection. For specific cleaning instructions see sections in ACA Field Guide for “Typical Cleaning for Non -Porous Surfaces” and “Typical Cleaning for Porous Surfaces”
- Clean and disinfect the entire family cabin, including the entire bathroom and any common or activities areas.
- Cleaning staff will properly use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) consistent with ACA and CDC
- Dining Hall (see Food Service)
- Shared Equipment (See Activities)
- Shared equipment should be cleaned and disinfected between uses.
- As with other cleaning activities, gloves and aprons will be common protocol when doing laundry. Facemasks are also recommended.
- We will use disinfectant appropriate for porous material, following manufacturer’s instructions. Example: Lysol Laundry Sanitizer (see manufacturer’s instructions for inactivating viruses, including a 15-minute presoak).
- We will wash items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, opting for the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely, as well as clean and disinfect hampers or other carts for transporting laundry according to guidance above for hard or soft surfaces.
- Cloth face coverings used by staff and/or campers will be laundered regularly. Used face coverings will be collected in a sealable container (like a trash bag) until laundered.
- Staff will avoid handling families’ belongings
7.0 Activities
General Guidance
- Activities will be assigned to prevent the mixing of family cohorts.
- All activities will operate under the best practices in the ACA Field Guide.
- All activities will be run outdoors and limited to those that can be done with proper physical distancing (e.g., canoe, archery, paddle board).
- As stated in Sections 1.0 and 4.2, all activities will include:
- Proper signage from the CDC.
- Hand sanitizing stations for usage before and after the activity.
- Staff instructions and reminders on physical distancing and good hygiene practices.
- All shared items and equipment (e.g., bows and arrows, tennis rackets, paddles) will be properly cleaned and disinfected after a family finishes an activity, per Section 6.0 Cleaning and Disinfecting.
- As stated in Section 4.2, families will be encouraged to bring their own PFDs, and if not they will be provided with their own dedicated PFD for the session.
- Water fountains around the property will be turned off and families will be encouraged to use individual refillable water bottles.
- Adequate staff will be available to ensure camper safety, while still maintaining physical distancing.
- If emergency care or first aid/CPR is needed and physical distancing cannot be maintained, we will follow normal camp procedures.
- As stated in Section 1.0, staff will be trained on camp operations and safety plan.
Sports and Range Activities
- When feasible, dedicated sports equipment (e.g., basketballs, soccer balls) will be provided for each individual family for the camp session. This equipment will be cleaned and disinfected upon the completion of the session.
- All activity equipment (e.g., bows and arrows, tennis rackets) will be cleaned and disinfected after a family finishes an activity, per Section 6.0 Cleaning and Disinfecting.
High Adventure Activities
- The High Adventure Activities available for family camp sessions will be limited to Zip-Line, Climbing Wall, and Ropes Course.
- A set of dedicated harnesses will be assigned to each family for the camp session. These will be cleaned and disinfected upon the completion of the session.
- Our High Adventure Operators will be prepared to wear masks to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants.
Aquatics and Small Crafts
- The swimming pool will be properly operated, maintained, and disinfected, as stated in Section 4.2.
- Lake activities (canoe, paddle board, water ski, and sailing) will be operated under the guidance of trained staff, as stated in Section 4.2.
Wilderness Activities
- There will be no wilderness trips, or any activities that will require transportation.
- Hiking paths on property will be available for individual family use.
- Biking paths on or adjacent to camp property will be an activity option for families, and will be guided by trained counselors. These guides will maintain proper distancing from participants.
- Camp will provide bikes and helmets, which like all other activity equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
Other Activities
- The Crafts activity will operate on the outdoor porches when possible.
- Each family will have dedicated supplies and materials.
- Families will be able to use equipment (e.g. drills, saws) inside the Crafts Lodge while wearing a mask.
- Counselors will be available to provide materials and instruction, and will also be wearing a mask during this activity.
- Equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after a family finishes the activity.
- The Games Lodge will be available on a limited basis. Staff will be on hand to clean and disinfect equipment after use.
Using Cohorts at Camp
8.1 Using Cohorts at Camp
- Each family will be their own “cohort” or “household,” and will do all components of family camp together, and distanced from other families.
- We will utilize outdoor programming and physical distancing between family units.
- We will limit the number of family units per session to limit mixing and ensure the ability to properly test and control the individuals on property.
- Our evening programs will be conducted in such a way that physical distancing from one family to another will be accomplished.
- Summer Life Night will be held in the Barn, and the floor will be clearly marked to show properly distanced seating areas for families.
- Counselors will not belong to a specific family cohort, and will facilitate activities with clear guidance and proper distance.
- We will have subgroups of our staff that will rotate between assignments. These staff cohorts will keep an assignment for the duration of a session.
- All staff will be required to undergo 14 days of training prior to the beginning of family camp, and remain on site during that time to ensure they are asymptomatic for the start of family camp.
- We will encourage all staff to remain on property during days off.
- If a staff member must leave the property, they will exercise the CDC’s best practices to independently follow to mitigate spread.
- We will restrict all non-essential visitors from entering family camp.
8.2 Camper and Staff with Preexisting Medical Conditions
- As stated in Section 1.0, all individuals are recommended to consult a medical professional to determine if attendance is acceptable.
Per the ACA Field Guide, the CDC is closely monitoring a pediatric condition now termed as Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C), a rare disease affecting children that is potentially related to COVID-19. The ACA will monitor announcements from the public health and medical communities, and SB2W will monitor these updates and disseminate new information as necessary.
9.0 Transportation
- Not Applicable for Family Camp
Interim Guidance on PPE Plan for Camp Staff
- PPE will be provided and kept at work stations — the health clinic, the “hub”, and the bathrooms. They will be locked and stored in containers.
- Clinic staff will be cleared, trained, and fit-tested for N95 Respirators.
- At least one member of custodial staff will also be cleared, trained and fit-tested for an N-95 Respirator.
- A module of staff training will be devoted to properly don, doff, and dispose of PPE. Removing gloves properly will also be covered.
- Counselors will be supplied with a dozen cloth face masks. They will be laundered weekly.
- Supplies will be purchased ahead of the summer, taking care to re-stock when inventory is running low.
When to Wear What
- Face masks.
- Counselors will not wear face masks for their roles of facilitating camp. They will not be interacting with people in close proximity for extended periods of time (closer than 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes).
- Kitchen staff will always wear face masks.
- Custodial staff will always wear face masks.
- Face masks.
- Disposable Gloves.
- Counselors will wear gloves while cleaning equipment at activities.
- Kitchen Staff will wear gloves during food preparation and service.
- Cleaning staff will wear gloves while cleaning and disinfecting.
How to USE PPE
- A module of staff training will be devoted to PPE including when to use what and how to don and doff PPE.
- Signage with glove removal procedures will be included in the health clinic, kitchen, and “hub”.
11.0 Supplies
Suggested Camp Supplies and materials for 2020 Camp Season. These items include:
- Hand soap – Anticipating an order of approximately 50% more than a typical camp season.
- EPA approved cleaners – Already ordered and received gallon of disinfectant to determine lead time. Anticipating an order of approximately 100% more than a typical camp season.
- Hand sanitizer supplies and stations – Local vendor Guy Chemical has committed to supply all of our need for the summer on demand.
- Surface cleaning and disinfectant wipes – Anticipating and order of approximately 100% more than a typical camp season.
- Paper towels- Anticipating an order of approximately 50% more than a typical camp season.
- Cleaning spray bottles
Camp Medical Staff Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supplies.
- ACA and EH&E do not anticipate that camps will need a large supply stock of these items but enough for onsite Medical Staff to use if needed to attend to a Covid-19 symptomatic individual.
- Disposable surgical masks – 50 per medical staff member
- Nitrile exam gloves – 200 per medical staff member.
- Disposable gowns – 50 per medical staff member.
- Face shields – 2 per medical staff member
- Covered medical waste disposal bin – 1 per office or exam room
- Adequate thermometers – (Already have touchless Infrared thermometers)
*Credit Cards will be processed safely and securely through PayPal directly in the online form. No card information is stored and all processing is secure.